Service technicians
Service technicians


Attract and Retrain: Investing in Good Techs

Your agency relies on having the most reliable and efficient machines. That means you must also have quality shop technicians working to keep the fleet in top shape. It’s essential to your agency’s success.  Here are some ways to find and keep good techs:

  • GO TO SCHOOL - Partner with local technical colleges to hire graduating students. Go beyond attending career fairs, and work with instructors and counselors to help develop relevant areas of study and to familiarize them with the benefits of employment at your agency.
  • HIRE VETS - Military veterans are another source of recruits who are actively seeking employment. Their excellent training and experience enable military techs to make an easy transition to your agency’s shop.
  • PROMOTE FROM WITHIN – Consider promoting highly motivated, younger workers within your agency. Identify potential applicants and help develop a career track for those employees. As you develop career paths for those employees, find opportunities to continue their technical training. This allows your technicians to improve their personal abilities while improving your agency’s capabilities.
  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T – Treating workers with respect is key to employee retention. All people want to be treated as if they are important and that their opinions matter. This applies to your agency’s shop employees too.
  • OPEN COMMUNICATION - Younger workers have a great need for understanding, acceptance and direction. These things are facilitated by open communication, including communication from others and being encouraged to communicate with others.
  • EXPLAIN WHY – Younger workers want to know not only how things are done, but why. Teaching them why work is done the way that it is helps them better understand the requirements of the task. This improves performance and keeps employees engaged.
  • DEVELOP YOUR SUPERVISORS – Direct supervisors have a great impact on employee retention. Your supervisors often are former technicians who haven’t been trained as leaders. Make sure they have the time and skills to properly coach and mentor all employees, especially new technicians.

Working to attract and retain high-quality technicians will benefit your agency and fleet in numerous ways. It is well worth the effort.

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