CS56B Paving Compactor
CS56B Paving Compactor

Intelligent Compaction 101:
How It Works and How You Benefit

It’s time to transform compaction from an art to a science. Find out how intelligent compaction technology helps you achieve compaction specs in fewer passes — and how that translates into money saved.

Are you grading sites or paving roads the “traditional” way — relying on operator intuition and human measurement to ensure you’re meeting specs? If so, you’re not just risking over- or under-compacting. You’re also missing out on compaction technology’s many money-making, money-saving benefits. Here’s what you need to know about intelligent compaction and what it can do for your business.


First of all, what is intelligent compaction?

This onboard technology helps ensure the compaction process gets done right the first time. GNSS mapping, integrated measurement, accelerometers, infrared thermometers and onboard reporting systems work together to help operators achieve uniform density and optimal control and coverage. So rather than hoping you hit specs — or over-compacting in an attempt to make sure — you know exactly.


How does intelligent compaction work?

Not all systems function the exact same way. Here’s what you can expect from Cat® Compact, which is available on pneumatic tire rollers and soil, aggregate, asphalt and landfill compactors. 

  • Intelligent Compaction technology assesses each pass providing a relative reading of material stiffness.

  • Instant feedback informs operators in the cab about which areas are compacted and which areas they still need additional passes. 

  • Navigation technology makes it quick and easy for operators to monitor compaction progress and coverage.

  • Compaction and coverage reports give project managers the data to confirm a job is done correctly and meets specifications.

Depending on your application — soil versus hot mix asphalt, for example — you can select from options like compaction meter value, machine drive power, auto adjustable compaction and more. This white paper lays out the choices and explains how each works in more detail.


What are the advantages of intelligent compaction?

The ability to achieve compaction specs in as few passes as possible can lead to all kinds of benefits:

  • Less fuel burned reduces your operating costs.

  • Fewer machine hours lessens wear and tear. 

  • Reduced rework lowers your material costs.

  • Speedier job completion lets you meet tight deadlines.

  • Simpler operation helps novice operators work more accurately and confidently.

  • Less need for ground personnel to check compaction enhances site safety. 

Have more questions about intelligent compaction: how it works and how you benefit? Check out this website for additional information on Cat Compact.