120 Cat Tractor
120 Cat Tractor

See It and Believe It: The Value of a Grade Technology Demo

Uncomfortable with technology or just not sure how to get started? Schedule a grade control demonstration to make the transition easier.

Grade stakes, strings and tape measures are going the way of phone books, pagers and answering machines — obsolete tools that’ll amuse the grandkids when we talk about what construction was like “back in the day.”

Grade technology — in the form of automated machine control plus advanced guidance — is taking over. And if the competition hasn’t already pushed you to embrace it, your customers soon will. More and more projects today require the use of grade control as a condition to bid the job.

What if you’re still on the fence? What if you’re not comfortable working with technology? What if you’re responsible for transitioning your company from traditional grading methods to technology and don’t know where to start?

Nothing beats a hands-on technology demonstration. And a demo isn’t important just for those who operate the equipment — it may be even more beneficial for those who run the business. Here’s why: 

  • You’ll witness the value firsthand. Ask for a demo that compares traditional grading methods side by side with technology-driven grading. That’s the best way to see the differences in accuracy, time savings, material efficiency and operator performance — and begin to grasp the money-saving, money-making potential of switching to grade control. 

  • You’ll discover whether 2D or 3D is right for you. Many contractors assume 3D is the way to go, but that’s not always the case. It depends on the type of work you do. Make sure your demo includes a look at both 2D and 3D systems. You might discover that the capabilities — and the cost — of 2D grading are better suited to your operation.

  • You’ll learn how to scale up grade control to meet your needs. There’s no need to jump into the grade technology pool with both feet. Dipping your toes into the water may make for an easier transition — for you and your operators. A demo can show you the scalability of the technology, so you can get a handle on how to start small and then build up as your needs and budget grow.

At Caterpillar, we offer a class called Road Builder Pro that provides all the benefits of a grade technology demo and then some. We stake a jobsite for you, have you and your operators work to cut a ditch the traditional way, and then do it all again — the second time using Cat® Grade

What’s the benefit? Your operators get a hands-on opportunity to try the technology, and you get to stand back and watch how much more accurately, quickly and efficiently they work. Contractors who participate in this class consistently tell us what an eye-opening experience it is — and nearly all are ready to start putting some form of grade control to work that same day.

Want to schedule a grade technology demonstration at your site? Get in touch with your local Cat dealer to get the ball rolling.


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