
While there are many ways to address your mining challenges, there is one game-changing way to have a significant impact on all of them: Machine automation. And no one knows more about automation than Caterpillar.

For decades, Caterpillar has been on an automation journey. We’ve combined our decades of equipment experience with knowledge from the industry’s best technology experts to build and integrate technologies for mining. Today, Cat® technologies make it possible for you to automate a single mining process, remotely control a single machine, automate multiple types of equipment across your fleet, or implement a completely autonomous fleet of haul trucks that operate around the clock with no human intervention.

In the future, we’ll be able to automate the complete mining process — from drilling and digging, to loading, hauling, processing and transporting your mined materials. Manned equipment will work alongside unmanned equipment to create the safest, most efficient mine sites in the world.

Our automation suite, Cat MineStar™ Command, leverages our other MineStar capabilities to provide the fully integrated operation of autonomous, semi-autonomous and remotely controlled mining systems. Unlike competitive technologies, Command works seamlessly with and around all mine site activities, equipment and personnel. Existing products include Command for dozing, hauling, underground loading and longwall operations. Command for drilling is currently in development. 



Start Your Journey

Automation is changing the way mine sites operate. And whether your journey starts today or in 10 years, integrating Command technologies into your equipment now will ensure your machines are ready when you are.

Contact an expert to learn how you can get started on your journey to automation. 

Start Your Journey
Start Your Journey
Start Your Journey